
Qualifying for Treatment

In order to qualify for our assistance, you have to meet certain qualifications. These qualifications differ depending on the program in which you are attempting to enroll.

Mother, Daughter

Loving Family

Admittance to General Services

  1. Need for Individualized Training in Acquiring Basic Living Skills – These include symptom management, adherence to psychiatric and medication treatment plans, development and appropriate use of social skills and personal support systems, personal hygiene, food preparation, or money management.
  2. Have a Qualifying Mental Health Diagnosis – These commonly include psychotic disorders, major depressive disorders, and recurrent or bipolar disorder I or II.
  3. You Have a Prior History of Qualifying Mental Health Treatment – This includes psychiatric hospitalization, residential treatment (group home level A or B, or a nursing home), residential crisis stabilization, PACT or ICT services, RTC-Level C placement, or a TDO evaluation due to mental health decomposition.
  4. Have Past or Current Prescription for an Anti-Psychotic, Mood Stabilizing, or Anti-Depressant Medication within the 12 Months before Assessment Date – We also accept physician documents stating such medication is medically contraindicated.
  5. Have Virginia Medicaid in Order to Be Eligible for Our Services
  6. Difficulty to Maintain Normal Interpersonal Relationships That a Risk of Hospitalization, Homelessness, or Isolation from Social Support Exists
  7. Difficulty in Activities of Daily Living, such as Maintaining Personal Hygiene, Preparing Food & Maintaining Nutrition, or Managing Finances & Jeopardizing Your Health & Safety
  8. Inappropriate Behavior That Immediate Interventions by Mental Health, Social Services, or the Judicial System Are Necessary
  9. Difficulty in Cognitive Ability to Recognize Personal Danger or Recognize Significantly Inappropriate Social Behavior

our behavior health center in Virginia to determine if you qualify for care.
